Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Birthday for One, A Day of Birth for the Other

December 9th has always been a day to celebrate since I started dating Joseph - it's his birthday. But this past year, the day was filled with excitement for more reasons than one.

We were scheduled to arrive at RMC in Anniston at 6:00 in the morning on Monday, December 9, 2013 to get ready to meet our little man. Joseph and I got up early (well, Joseph got up early... there was no need for me to "get up" because I didn't sleep that night), got ourselves ready, loaded up the truck, and made our way to the hospital. Of course, it would be our luck that the computers were down when we went in to be admitted so they couldn't get us checked in and get the process started until this problem was fixed... great :s But our sweet nurse went ahead and put us in our room and let us get comfy and settled in. We finally got the ball rolling around 8:00. They got all of our information, got me "hooked up," and started Pitocin by 8:30.

My contractions started pretty quickly, and while they were uncomfortable, they were tolerable. Dr. Moersch (who, by the way, is the absolute best ob/gyn in the world in my opinion) came in to check on my progress and break my water at 9:45. My nurse had warned me that my contractions would become more painful after my water had been broken, and boy, was she right! Shortly thereafter I decided I wanted my epidural! I will admit that I was a big baby and I am amazed at women who can give birth with no medication - you ladies truly are amazing!!!

So now we wait... and we wait... and we wait some more...

My momma, daddy, and brother got to the hospital around 11 to sit with us and anxiously wait on Will. The conversation helped the time go by faster, but time still seemed to crawl. Every time the nurse came in to check my progress I was hoping to hear "okay, it's time to push!" Instead, I heard "you've dilated a little more." This went on literally all day.

Joseph's momma came around 4 or 5 that evening to sit with us, too. I still hadn't made very much progress at this point, especially considering I had been in labor for 7 hours. Dr. Moersch came back to check on me after her clinic had closed. At 6:30 she told me that I had only dilated 4cm. She did not want my water to be broken for more than 12 hours, and since I had only dilated 4cm in 10 hours, she didn't feel I would dilate to 10cm in 3 hours. She asked me if I wanted to wait and see if I made more progress or if I wanted to go ahead and have a C-section.

Um, after not eating since midnight and waiting all day, I was more than ready to meet my sweet baby. I didn't hesitate in giving the okay to cut me open! ;)

Gampy, Molly, and Molly's boyfriend Eric arrived just in time! They got to our room as the nurses were getting ready to wheel me back for surgery.

Mom (aka, the photographer) snapped a few quick pictures before our lives changed forever!

The last picture as a family of 2
Joseph in his "hazmat suit"

At 7:01pm William Bradley Byars was born. He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 inches long.

 Love at first sight <3

Joseph kept telling me that he wanted a baby for his birthday, and that's exactly what he got. :)

We had lots of friends and family come to visit us and our boy while we were in the hospital, and we are so happy that they came by!

We got to take our boy home on Wednesday, December 11th.

Let's hit the road, Jack!

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